Thursday, March 1, 2012

About How do you work with the city or state to teach bible studies in jails and juvenile halls

How do you work with the city or state to teach bible studies in jails and juvenile halls?
I am in Kansas City, MO. I know there is a bunch or legal stuff is it different by state and city ect?
Religion & Spirituality - 10 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
You have to set it up with the jail's chaplain. They would expect you to be doing it in conjunction w/ a church or an established non-denominational ministry. They will require you to have a background check. It is rewarding work!
Answer 2 :
Oh, come on! Aren't these people being punished enough for their crimes?
Answer 3 :
- I don't know, but, more power to you, if you are a right on Biblical Christian, & not in a Cult ...<><...
Answer 4 :
That's a great idea. Good for you! I'd say you should ask a church about it. Somebody there would know somebody who knows about it.
Answer 5 :
You know what would be better still? Adopt these kids from their mothers instead of letting them be in foster care, on welfare or exposed to gangs and violence. My friend is in charge of our juvi here and he says he almost NEVER sees a kid in there who has 2 parents who care about him/her. You think gay marriage is going to ruin us, try poverty, one parent homes and divorce. They don't need bible study they need a hope for a real future.
Answer 6 :
It is illegal due to separation of church and state. Just because one has a captive audience does not mean one should take advantage of that to fulfill an agenda.
Answer 7 :
The cons deserve better than that.
Answer 8 :
First I would go to the jails or juvenile halls and talk to who's in charge. Then if they say I need a permit I would go to the courthouse and get a permit. Here in my city and state I would have to register with the mayor's office. If I was certified as a minister. While I'm waiting for the legal stuff to be worked out. I'd continue to pray for those in jails and juvenile halls.
Answer 9 :
I would start by contacting Prison Fellowship International. And no, prison ministries are not illegal due to the separation of church and state, as long as there is no coercion invovled.
Answer 10 :
You need to contact the facility and find out what their requirements are. You may also need to go through a training class at that facility. My church has an adult and youth prison ministry were we go in on Sundays and give a bible study and worship. The prisoners go voluntarily. We all had to get background screenings and had to go through a training class on all the rules and regulations that we have to follow when we are there. God bless you for having a heart for those in prison. I will keep you in prayer and pray that God opens all doors for you.
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